Australia Subclass 476 Visa ( Without Job Offer )

Australia 476

The Australia 476 Visa in which you can apply without a Job offer. And once you reach to Australia you can start searching for jobs in Australian companies. Get Australia 476 Work Visa in 2023 at a very less Visa cost, with No previous work experience, No Job offer required, and very minimum IELTS requirement.

The Australia 476 Work Visa is a Temporary work visa for 18 months and it’s the best opportunity for everyone to come to Australia to find professional jobs in their field. Many people already arrived on this Visa and they have found several Jobs. The Australia Subclass 476 Work Visa is not only for Bachelor, but Master, Diploma, and Ph.D. applicants can also apply. Please check the details about this visa below.

Who can Apply for the Australia 476 Work Visa?

The Australia 476 work visa is a temporary work visa for Engineering students. Specially Fresh graduates or those who are graduated in the last 2 years.

  • Bachelors degree
  • Masters degree
  • Doctoral Degree
  • Postgraduate Diploma

What Qualifications Required for this Visa?

The qualification must be in an engineering discipline, such as:

  • Civil engineering
  • Structural engineering
  • Chemical engineering
  • Environmental engineering
  • Electrical and electronics engineering
  • Mechanical, production, and plant engineering
  • Mining and material engineering.

Is a Job offer Necessary for a 476 Work Visa?

No. You don’t need to have a Job offer for this Visa. You can apply with your documents, degree, and if you have any experience. A job offer or offer letter is not necessary to apply for a 476 visa. Once you arrive in Australia you can start searching for Jobs. So those who are saying we don’t have a Job, we don’t have a Job in our country. So the best thing is to apply for the Australia Subclass 476 Work Visa.

Age Requirements

You must be under 31 years old. As far as I know, many Graduates are under 31 years. Like if you do complete your Bachelor your age will be likely 23 or 24. If you are also doing a PhD you can apply if you are below 31 years.

IELTS Requirements or other English Language Proof

So friends very less score is required to apply for this Visa. You can go with any one of the following:

IELTSOverall score of at least 6 with a minimum score of 5 for each of the 4 parts
TOEFLTotal score of at least 64 with a minimum score of 4 for listening, 4 for reading, 14 for writing and 14 for speaking
PTE AcademicOverall score of at least 50 with a minimum score of 36 for each of the 4 parts
Cambridge C1 Advanced testOverall at least 169 with a minimum score of at least 154 in each of the 4 test components

If you are an Engineering student, and you are a graduate too, then obviously you have some basic skills in English, so you can easily get 6 bands.

Citizens of the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, New Zealand, or the Republic of Ireland don’t need any English Language Proof.

Requirements for Australia 476 Visa

  • Be under 31 years of age.
  • Not have previously been the primary visa holder of subclass 476 or 485 visa
  • Behold an Engineering Degree.
  • Get a character certificate from your local city.
Stay Duration

You can stay for up to 18 months. And if your visa expires and still you have a job and your employer is happy with you you can extend and convert your visa.

Visa Cost

Very less. Just AUD425.00

Bank Statement

No Bank statement is required for this Visa.

Verify this before applying for Australia 476 Work Visa (Important)

Check your Engineering Degree if it’s affiliated with Washington Award, then you people can apply.

For example, in Pakistan (PEC) Pakistan Engineering Council is the regulated body, and it’s affiliated with Washington Award. So, if your Engineering degree comes under PEC you can apply.

The same goes for other countries. You must have completed your engineering qualification at a specified educational institution.

Any institution offering an Engineering qualification accredited under the Washington Accord is a specified institution.

Check with Eligibility on the Australian immigration Website (Here)

ENroute Processing Fees: Rs 82,600 ( Includes GST )
